Sunday, January 30, 2011

ADD Dance Party

The other night, Amelia and I had a dance party before bath time. We were celebrating . . . dance parties I guess. Or my ability to finally be off the couch after 2 pm.  Either way, I pulled out the video camera so we could show Daddy when he got home from work. It turns out that the video recorded a lot more than the Toddler Truffle, errr Shuffle. After the first couple tries, I realized that what I’d really captured was my kid’s complete and total lack of focus.

Exhibit A

Okay, so that one's not so bad, admittedly. But stay tuned.

Exhibit B. Notice that something catches her eye and she tries to keep dancing, but just . . . can't.

Exhibit C. Props are never a good idea here.

Exhibit D. This is a solid effort. A strong 16 seconds of dancing before getting distracted by 'big jumps.'


I rest my case.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How can she keep her focus when her hair keeps getting in her face. Pigtails!