And our entire thought in having another child was basically as a gift to Amelia. To provide her with an eternal playmate and comfort. So when she is older, she will not be alone in family and will always have someone with whom she grew up and shared memories. And so long, family road trips won’t be as boring with someone to fight.
It’s all a little confusing and completely scary too. For us anyway. Amelia appears totally on board with the whole baby thing. Just tonight, she said good night to the baby and patted my bulging belly. She goes back and forth on whether she wants a brother or sister, largely because she doesn’t think there’s a lot of difference between the two. Although her initial and most oft repeated request is for a baby sister. And while I anticipate toddler shakedowns when this baby arrives, I am wholly confident that our little baby-turned-big-sister will love her sibling.
This is baby Zoey. She was just a couple months old here and Amelia was newly two. We laid Zoey in Amelia’s old baby gym to keep her occupied while the adults hung out. Without prompting, Amelia brought baby Z her most precious belongings: the whole bedtime crew. We gave Zoey a blanket but didn’t even consider giving her Amelia’s Bobo (her blanky)! She also brought Z Lala and Ducky—her best sleepy buds. (!!)
Zoey with Amelia’s most treasured friends.
And Amelia just adores her sweet baby niece too. We did NOT tell her to climb in next to Sage here. She just wanted to be closer to her.
I think it will be an exciting time for Amelia :)
Hey, nice site you have here! Keep up the excellent work!
Big Sister Gifts
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