Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Independence Day Wrap-up, Part II: Family Times

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I love this picture. A simple moment in time. The lighting’s not great, angle is off, and yet it’s fantastic. My family, together, and laughing, and having times.

Look at these two shenanigans. Pure joy between Grandpa and only Grandchild.

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And these two.

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This is my mom doing exactly what she does when Amelia is around—ignoring the rest of civilization. The times they will have . . .

family orig And what are the parents to do with so many family members hankering for their baby’s attention? Sit back and enjoy a beer, of course! And that empty chair? It’s the perfect representation of me . . . always stepping away from the moment to get it captured.


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And when you’re too old to sit on the laps and too young to have the beer, you pull up close to the fire, melt some mallows, and pretend that you’re utterly bored. Naturally.

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