Sunday, November 9, 2008

A week in review

A piece of history. . .

I always wished that my parents had done something radical in history, participated in some rebellion that changed the world. It was in my blood, I knew it--but the stories never matched up. So when I voted this week, I made sure that Amelia knew she was there! She will always be able to say she participated in a major historical moment.
I had to wake her from a nap to run to the polling place. . . she was confused about this making history biz.
Awake now and ready to vote!!
After a 45 min. wait, we made it! Albeit without a sock.

So Amelia discovered that she loves her fursiblings this week. She realized that they are moving, alive, friendly, furry friends. She will turn herself inside out to watch them and then laughs and laughs. She hearts them. She also started reaching out to touch them this week--much to Mollie's delight and Luke's dismay!

Brother Luke--always checking up on his girl.
Sister Mollie is always (ALWAYS) by her side

Tell me this doesn't look like trouble.

Mommy and Baby!

Again with changing the world:

Amelia's first Feminist Majority Club meeting with Honorary Grama Lynn
Guess who rolls from back to front now?



After--so proud of myself!

And just for fun. I actually took this picture after a woman called Amelia a "he" in Trader Joes. I couldn't decide if it was the pink shirt, the skirt, or the pink striped leggings that tripped her up?

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